II International scientific-practical Conference „Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach“

II International scientific-practical Conference „Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach“
The Institute of philology
Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky TheCrimean branch of the Union of translators of Russia
Crimean republican universal scientific library named after I. I. Franco
VI International scientific and practical Conference
„Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach“
28-29 April 2022, Simferopol
Dear colleagues!
The Chair of theory and practice of translation at the Institute of philology and the Crimean branch of the Union of translators of Russia invite you to take part in the II International scientific-practical Conference „Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach“, which will take place from 28 till 29 April, 2022 in Simferopol at the Crimean republican universal scientific library named after I. I. Franko. You are invited to participate in the sections:
- Theoretical issues of translation
- Contemporary literary criticism and translation
- Applied aspects of translation
- Translation and intercultural communication
- Methods of teaching foreign languages and translation studies
- Scientific bibliographic libraries in modern educational space
The Applications and articles are accepted till January 31, 2022 at: perevoddiskurs@mail.ru. The Conference proceedings will be published in a collection of articles and on the website of the CFU named after V.I. Vernadskyhttp://perevod.cfuv.ru and entered in the database of the RSCI. Applications sent after the deadline will not be accepted.The decision of the Organizing Committee on report inclusion in the Conference program will be notified by email no later than February 25, 2022
The application form: APPLICATIONFORM2022
Conference languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, French, German, Spanish, and modern Greek.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge. Publication of articles in the RSCI collection of articles is carried out by the publishing house IT Arial based on partnership agreement at the expense of participants. Collection of articlesand certificates are issued to participants at the time of registration to the Conference on April 27 and 28, 2022.Publication conditions will be announced later for registered participants. For distant participants sending of materials by the post of Russia is provided at the expense of the recipient within one month after the end of the Conference. Please note that travel, accommodation and other expenses are paid by the sending party or by the participants themselves.
Organization of work of the Conference: April 27, 2018 Arrival of participants and accommodation in the hotel. April 28, 2018
9.30 registration of participants
10.00 plenary meeting
12.00 coffee break
13.00 sections work
April 29, 2018
9.30 sections work
12.00 coffee break
13.00 sections work
The Conference will be held in the halls of the Crimean republican universal scientific library named after I. I. Franco, Simferopol, Naberezhnaya str, 29-A. For further information please contact the Organizing Committee, Tel.: + 7978 714 64 60 (Zelentsova Milena G.), e-mail:perevoddiskurs@mail.ru.
Conference site: http://perevod.cfuv.ru.