17. Januar 2022

Deutscher Zertifikatskurs zur Einführung in Managementkompetenzen

Der Zertifikatskurs vermittelt Grundkompetenzen im Bereich Vertrauensbildung in Kooperationsprozessen und Souveränität im Umgang mit Konflikten. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle Deutschland-Alumni, die die deutsche Sprache sehr gut beherrschen und sich vertieftes Wissen über die weichen Faktoren im Management aneignen möchten und diese für ihre weitere Studien- oder Berufslaufbahn benötigen. Detailbeschreibungen zum Kurs siehe unten.
17. Januar 2022

II International scientific-practical Conference „Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach“

The Chair of theory and practice of translation at the Institute of philology and the Crimean branch of the Union of translators of Russia invite you to take part in the II International scientific-practical Conference "Translation discourse: an interdisciplinary approach", which will take place from 28 till 29 April, 2022 in Simferopol at the Crimean republican universal scientific library named after I. I. Franko. You are invited to participate in the sections:
17. Januar 2022

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literature and Culture

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literature and Culture Title Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literature and Culture School Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department/Area Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies Position Description The Davis Center Postdoctoral Fellowship program offers comprehensive research, training and professional development opportunities for scholars advancing their careers in the humanities. Fellows pursue their research with support from an interdisciplinary community of experts and with access to world-class resources. The program provides scholars with experiences and connections that endure well beyond their fellowship year. About this position: • 9 month, full time, in-residence fellowship (September 2022 – May 31, 2023) • Stipend of up to $46,000 • $2,000 in additional research funding • Eligible for employee benefits, including subsidized health insurance • Citizens of all countries may apply The Davis Center will award one Postdoctoral Fellowship in Literature and Culture. Research proposals on topics related to the literature and culture of Eurasia are welcome. Basic Qualifications This position is for junior scholars who will have completed the Ph.D. or equivalent by September 2022, but no earlier than September 2017. Citizens of all countries may apply. Additional Qualifications The Postdoctoral Fellowship is a 9 month, in-residence fellowship. Postdoctoral Fellows are in […]
21. Januar 2022

Magische Abende: Was muss man an Swjatki tun?

Nach einem fröhlichen Rundgang durch die Häuser in der alten Rus‘ versammelten sich die Jugendlichen in einem Haus, wo sie alles teilten und aßen, was die anderen Dorfbewohner ihnen gaben. Danach tanzten die jungen Menschen in ihren neuen Kleidern zum Klang des Pusteblatts, um eine schlechte Ernte zu vermeiden, hörten Märchen und sagten sich gegenseitig die Zukunft voraus.